• 姓    名:Peter Mandelson
  • 职    务:Peter Mandelson
  • 擅长领域:金融
  • 服务机构:
曾担任前欧盟委员会贸易专员和英国第一国务大臣,在2004年至2008年担任欧盟委员会贸易专员期间,参与了与多个国家的贸易协定谈判,并领导了欧洲与世贸组织在多哈举行的世界贸易谈判。 作为欧盟委员会贸易专员,访问中国的次数比访问其他任何国家的次数都多,他与中国高层官员一起为建立紧密的中国欧盟关系而工作。在2008年举行的首次中国欧盟高级会谈中,曾代表欧盟与中国副总理王岐山进行了会谈。 从1997年到2010年,在布莱尔和布朗的工党政府中,曼德尔森勋爵曾担任了英国贸易和工业大臣、北爱尔兰事务大臣,商务、创新与技能部大臣。曼德尔森勋爵还是英国政策智囊团主席和Lazard 的高级顾问。 A former European Trade Commissioner and British First Secretary of State. He was European Trade Commissioner between 2004 and 2008, during which time he negotiated trade agreements with many countries and led European negotiations in the WTO Doha World Trade Round. He was Minister without Portfolio, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Northern Ireland Secretary and Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in the British government under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown between 1997 and 2010. He was Member of Parliament for Hartlepool in the UK from 1992 until 2004 and Director of Campaigns and Communications for the Labour party between 1985 and 1990. He is also President of the Policy Network think tank and Chairman of Lazard International.