• 姓    名:杨艳
  • 职    务:美世海外派遣业务北方区负责人
  • 擅长领域:金融
  • 服务机构:
杨艳在人力资源及咨询领域拥有11年工作经验,致力于为客户提供有价值的薪酬解决方案。她的业务专长包括海外派遣薪酬福利政策设计、岗位评估、薪酬架构设计、薪酬及福利架构评估等。 杨艳提供服务的客户包括跨国公司、民营企业及大型国企。近期服务的客户有西门子、卡特彼勒、辉瑞、宝马、索尼、世界自然基金会、金风科技、联想、五矿、中海油、中国银行、农业银行等。 杨艳是美世学院“国际岗位评估系统(IPE)”及“利用薪酬报告制定薪酬架构”两门公开课的讲师。她被评为2013年度美世最佳讲师。 杨艳于2007年加入美世,在此之前,她曾在一家全球财富五百强美资企业从事人力资源管理工作,负责薪酬福利、招聘和培训。 With eleven years experience in HR function and consulting area, she has become a compensation specialist bringing values to clients in many ways. Her consulting work includes global mobility compensation and benefit policy review and design, job evaluation, salary structure review and design, compensation and benefits system auditing, etc. The clients Flora serving include multinational companies, leading local and state-owned companies. Her recent clients include Siemens, Caterpillar, Pfizer, BMW, Sony, WWF, Goldwind, Lenovo, Minmetals, CNOOC, Bank of China, Agriculture Bank of China and etc. Flora is the trainer for two Mercer College public workshop: International Position Evaluation (IPE) and Utilizing Compensation Survey for Pay Structure. She was the Best Trainer of Mercer in 2013. Flora joined Mercer in 2007. Prior to joining Mercer, she worked as a HR generalist in a Fortune 500 US company, covering C&B, Recruitment and Training.