• 姓    名:崔杰
  • 职    务:美世咨询大中华区合伙人
  • 擅长领域:金融
  • 服务机构:
崔杰女士具有近19年的人力管理及咨询经验,在加入美世咨询之前先后在通用电气、朗讯科技、卡特彼勒等国际知名公司工作,积累了丰富的企业人力资源管理经验。加入美世咨询后领导并参与过多个大型项目,涉及到薪酬设计、岗位评估、绩效考核、人才管理、并购前的尽职调查、交割前的准备及交割后的整合等方面。崔杰女士拥有双研究生学位,曾就读于伦敦政治经济学院的人力资源管理专业及北大国际MBA。 Jie Cui has about 19 years of experience in HR management and consulting. Prior to joining Mercer, she used to work in GE, Lucent Technologies and Caterpillar,and accumulated extensive knowledge in a variety of HR areas. After joining Mercer, she has accumulated solid HR consulting experience with covering various HR functions, e.g. compensation design, job evaluation, performance management, talent management , M&A related (e.g. due diligence, do by close preparation and PMI etc.). She has an MBA degree from Peking University and she also holds the Master degree in human resource management from London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. She issued an article named “The challenges in HR management for Chinese enterprises going global ” in the blue book of , and she is also the co-author of the book of .