• 姓    名:夏尊恩 Tim Stratford
  • 职    务:科文顿•柏灵律师事务所(北京)合伙人
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
夏尊恩是科文顿北京办公室的合伙人。他主要业务是为在华经商的国际客户提供法律咨询,以及为寻求拓展全球业务的中国公司提供协助。作为前美国助理贸易代表,他是美国在华企业中最高级别的前美国政府官员。 夏先生曾在中国从事专业工作长达 30 年以上,期间曾任通用汽车公司中国运营部的总法律顾问,还曾担任美国驻北京大使馆商务处的公使衔参赞,以及在华美国商会主席。 Tim Stratford is a partner in the firm's Beijing office。 He advises international clients doing business in China and Chinese companies seeking to expand their businesses globally. As a former Assistant U.S. Trade Representative, Mr. Stratford is the most senior former US official to join the US business community in China . Mr. Stratford has worked professionally in China for more than 30 years, including as General Counsel for General Motors’ China operations, Minister-Counselor for Commercial Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, and as Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China.