• 姓    名:Roselle harde
  • 职    务:国际合同和商业管理协会高级主管
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
Roselle Harde致力于研究公共、个人以及全球实体的活动。在为财富100强企业创建、领导跨领域商业团队方面,有着非常丰富的经验。 曾在埃森哲负责美国合同管理,向超过250位专业合同管理人员提供指引,用于支持商业以及公共服务业务单位。此前,是美国雷神公司合同及采购部门的主管,负责跨部门团队的工作,并为端对端供应链合同提供支持。此外,Harde女士还是优秀的小型企业的管理者:Harde女士曾与一家女性企业合作,为该企业拓展业务担任咨询顾问,并为提升企业长期的稳健经营能力及盈利能力作出了重要贡献。 2013年,荣获由全国女性职业经理人协会颁发的“年度女性执行官”称号、国际女性领导力协会颁发的“杰出领导力女性”称号;2012年,被列入“合同管理全球卓越名人录”。 Roselle Harde is the senior director of business development for the International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM), specializing in activities for public, private and global entities. She possesses extensive experience building and leading interdisciplinary commercial teams for a number of the top successful Fortune 100 companies including Lockheed Martin, CSC and Hughes Aircraft Company. Ms. Harde was the Americas Contract Management Lead for Accenture LLP, a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. She provided leadership and direction for over 250 contract management professionals supporting the commercial and public service business units. Prior to Accenture, she was the Director of Contracts and Procurement for Raytheon Systems Company where she managed cross-functional teams supporting the end-to-end contracting lifecycle. A champion for small business, she has also worked with a woman-owned firm where she was instrumental in capturing new business and making significant contributions to the long-term profitability and stability of the company. Ms. Harde is the recipient of the 2013 Executive Woman of the Year award from the National Association for Professional Women, the International Women’s Leadership Association’s Woman of Outstanding Leadership award in 2013 and the Worldwide Who’s Who for Excellence in Contract Management in 2012. Ms. Harde is a graduate of the Contracting and Procurement Programs from The George Washington University and The American University in Washington, D.C.