• 姓    名:德地立人
  • 职    务:中信证券股份有限公司投资银行委员会主席
  • 擅长领域:金融
  • 服务机构:
德地立人先生于2002年加盟中信证券,曾参加和领导了诸多国有大型企业的股改上市工作,包括中国四大银行国内IPO项目。之前,德地立人先生在日本大和证券工作二十多年,主要负责公司海外投资银行业务,曾任大和证券SMBC投资银行总部部长兼任北京代表处首席代表、大和证券新加坡分公司总裁、大和证券香港公司执行副总裁、大和证券美国公司投资银行部副总裁、新加坡投资银行协会副主席等职务。 德地先生现任清华大学公共管理学院产业发展和环境治理中心(CIDEG)理事、研究员。毕业于北京大学中国文学系,获学士学位;就读于斯坦福大学东亚研究中心,获硕士学位(中国经济)。著有著作《国有企业到境外上市公司》(主编)、著作《企业重组导论》(编委)等。2009年,德地立人先生被授予中国政府对外国人士的最高荣誉“友谊奖”。 Mr. Tokuchi is Chairman of the Investment Banking Committee at CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. Joining CITIC Securities in 2002, Mr. Tokuchi has since participated in many large-cap Chinese state-owned enterprise restructurings and IPOs, including the IPOs of the 4 largest Chinese banks. Prior to CITIC Securities, Mr. Tokuchi spent more than 20 years at Daiwa Securities Group Inc., where he was responsible for the firm’s international investment banking business. At Daiwa Securities Mr. Tokuchi has held positions including General Manager, Investment Banking Davison & Chief Beijing Representative Daiwa Securities SMBC Co., Ltd., President/CEO Daiwa Securities Singapore Limited, Director and Executive Vice-President Daiwa Securities (Hong Kong) Inc. and Vice-President Daiwa Securities(America) Inc. Additionally, Mr. Tokuchi has served as Vice-Chairman of the Singapore Investment Banking Association. Mr. Tokuchi is currently a researcher and a board member of Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance of Tsinghua University. Mr. Tokuchi received his MA (China’s economy) from Stanford University, BA from Beijing University, and has edited two books, one on Chinese company IPOs overseas and another on Chinese domestic restructurings. In 2009, Mr. Tokuchi was awarded the China Friendship Award, China’s highest award for foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China’s economic and social progress.