• 姓    名:Gregor Irwin
  • 职    务:Gregor Irwin
  • 擅长领域:金融
  • 服务机构:
Global Counsel首席经济学家,牛津大学经济学博士,国际宏观经济和金融领域的专家。过去的十年中在英格兰银行、英国财政部担任要职,最近其在英国外交部担任首席经济学家。具有多国多领域的工作经验,尤其侧重金砖四国、欧元区和国际金融体系的改革。 Gregor is Chief Economist of Global Counsel. He is an expert in international macroeconomics and finance. Over the past ten years he has held senior positions at the Bank of England, HM Treasury and most recently at the Foreign Office as the Chief Economist. He has experience working on a broad range of countries and issues, with a particular focus on the BRICs, the Eurozone, and reforming the international financial system. Previously Gregor worked in academia, holding fellowships in economics at two Oxford colleges, and for the strategy consultants Marakon Associates. He has a doctorate in economics from Oxford University.