• 姓    名:Michael Burian
  • 职    务:Michael Burian
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
Michael Burian业务领域主要为公司事务、兼并收购和竞争法,且特别擅长与中国相关的跨境交易。他经常为中国客户赴德国和中欧、东欧投资提供法律服务。此外,Michael也为德国企业在中国的商业活动提供咨询意见。 Michael’s practice covers corporate matters, mergers & acquisitions and competition law, with a special focus on China-related cross-border transactions. He regularly advises Chinese clients on investments in Germany and Central/Eastern Europe. In addition, Michael advises German companies on their business activities in China.