• 姓    名:王东明
  • 职    务:中信证券股份有限公司董事长
  • 擅长领域:金融
  • 服务机构:
担任中信证券执行董事兼执行委员会委员。亦担任中信控股有限责任公司董事、中信国金董事、中信证券国际非执行董事、里昂证券董事、金石投资董事长。王先生曾担任本公司副总经理及总经理、中信股份总经理助理、华夏基金董事长、中信产业基金董事长。 1987年~1992年期间任职于加拿大丰业银行证券公司,负责投资银行业务; 1992年~1993年期间任华夏证券有限责任公司国际部总经理,负责国际业务; 1993年~1995年期间任南方证券有限公司副总经理,负责投资银行业务; 2002年~2009年期间任中信资本控股有限公司非执行董事。 1997年12月,王先生获中国国际信托投资公司(中信集团前身)授予高级经济师职称。1977年获得北京外国语大学法语专业学士学位,并于1984年获得美国乔治城大学国际金融硕士学位。 Wang Dongming serves as the chairman of the Company, an executive Director and a member of the Executive Committee. Mr. Wang joined the Group since the establishment of the Company in 1995 and was appointed as a Director on 26 September 1999. Mr. Wang worked as the deputy general manager and general manager of the Company. Mr. Wang is also the assistant to the general manager of CITIC Limited, director of CITIC Holdings Limited, director of CITIC International Financial Holdings Limited, chairman of the board of China AMC, chairman of the board of CITIC PE Fund and non-executive director of CSI. Mr. Wang previously worked in Scotiabank Securities Company, Canada from 1987 to 1992, responsible for investment banking business. Mr. Wang also served as the general manager of the international department of China Securities from 1992 to 1993, responsible for the international business of the company; deputy general manager of China Southern Securities Co., Ltd. from 1993 to 1995, responsible for the investment banking business of the company; and non-executive director of CITIC Capital Holdings Limited from 2002 to 2009. Mr. Wang was granted the title of senior economist by China International Trust and Investment Corporation, the predecessor of CITIC Group, in December 1997. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in French in 1977 from Beijing Foreign Studies University and a master’s degree in international fi nance in 1984 from Georgetown University in the United States.