• 姓    名:Julian Howard
  • 职    务:Macfarlanes国际律师事务所管理合伙人
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
英国Macfarlanes 律师事务所管理合伙人,主要执业领域为金融领域。Julian的经验包括在众多金融和重组交易中代理贷款人和借款人,包括杠杆买断交易和公司收购,以及高收益和其他公司债券的公开发行和非公开配售。 Julian is a partner in the finance practice and managing partner. Julian’s experience encompasses acting for both lenders and borrowers in various financing and restructuring transactions, including leveraged buy outs and corporate acquisitions, as well as on public offerings and private placements of high yield and other corporate bonds.