• 姓    名:Malcolm Walton
  • 职    务:英国Macfarlanes律师事务所合伙人
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
Macfarlanes律师事务所欧盟与竞争法团队合伙人。在经营者集中案件中,与欧盟委员会及国内竞争法执法部门合作,擅长于促使大型跨境交易顺利通过审查。代表受到固定价格及卡特尔行为指控的企业应对调查。 Malcolm is a partner in Macfarlanes’ EU & Competition group. He regularly deals with the European Commission and national competition authorities in merger cases and manages clearance requirements in respect of large cross-border transactions. Malcolm also represents clients that are subject to investigations into suspected price-fixing and cartel activity.