• 姓    名:Renee Kelley
  • 职    务:美国Schiff Hardin律师事务所律师
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
美国Schiff Hardin律师事务所的产品责任律师。曾代表中国企业在美国遭遇产品责任诉讼中面临的责任和风险提供法律意见,协调相关事宜,提供辩护,减轻责任,成功地在诉讼和庭审中回击了原告对中国产品的偏见。 Renee Kelley is product liability lawyers at Schiff Hardin LLP. She advises, coordinates, and defends foreign manufacturers from the burdens and risks of product liability lawsuits all over the United States, and has successfully combatted prejudice against Chinese products during lawsuits and at trial.