• 姓    名:John Dodsworth
  • 职    务:英国Macfarlanes律师事务所合伙人
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
英国Macfarlanes律师事务所公司业务高级合伙人。执业领域为国内并购和跨境并购交易。最近的两个执业案例:三菱丽阳公司以16亿英镑并购璐彩特国际公司; Omnicom公司(一家在纽约证交所上市的跨国广告和营销服务公司)在英国、欧洲、远东、中东和非洲进行的一系列收购。 John Dodsworth is a senior corporate partner at Macfarlanes LLP in London. He advises on all aspects of public and private M&A transactions (both domestic and cross border). Recent highlights include advising (i) Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd on its $1.6 billion acquisition of Lucite International and (ii) the Omnicom Group (a worldwide advertising and marketing services group listed on the New York Stock Exchange) on numerous acquisitions in the UK, Europe, the Far East, Middle East and Africa.