• 姓    名:苏慧伦
  • 职    务:美国Alston & Bird 律师事务所合伙人
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
美国Alston & Bird 律师事务所合伙人。主要专业领域是知识产权诉讼与管理,包括实施许可谈判、知识产权组合与风险管理、专利复审程序与一般法律咨询。代表中国台湾与中国大陆的科技企业,在联邦地方法院与州法院的诉讼以及美国国际贸易委员会调查案,经验丰富,其所处理的诉讼案件中涉及的技术包括消费性电子产品、发光二极管(LED)、液晶显示器(LCD)、集成电路(IC)、行动装置与喷墨式列表机墨盒。 曾担任一家跨国显示器制造商的法务总长。苏律师曾与来自全世界各地的公司,进行多项专利许可、商标协议与商业协议等谈判。并为在中国及其他区域的多项并购案进行谈判与监督,确保案件符合香港的相关证券法规。曾在台湾大学以及现任台北市长郝龙斌(Hao Long Bin) 担任立法委员时期的立委办公室担任法律研究助理。 苏律师经常在中国举办的各类相关会议与研讨会上讲授美国专利法规、诉讼、授权与诉讼搜证程序(discovery)等相关议题。 Helen (Hui Lun) Su’s practice focuses on intellectual property litigation and management, including licensing negotiations, IP portfolio and risk management, patent reexamination, and general client counseling. She has experience representing technology companies from Taiwan and China before federal district and state courts, as well as the United States International Trade Commission, in intellectual property litigations involving consumer electronics, light emitting diodes (LEDs), liquid crystal displays (LCDs), integrated circuits (ICs), mobile devices and inkjet cartridges. Prior to moving into private practice, Helen was general counsel to a multinational display maker company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Based in Shenzhen, China, she negotiated a number of patent licenses, trademark agreements and commercial agreements with companies all over the world. She also negotiated and supervised a number of merger and acquisition transactions, both in China and elsewhere, and ensured compliance with the securities regulations of Hong Kong. Helen also served as a legal and research assistant at both National Taiwan University and the Legislator Office of Hao Long Bin, the current mayor of Taipei. Helen is a frequent speaker on the topic of U.S. patent laws, litigation, licensing and discovery at conferences and seminars in China.