• 姓    名:毛宇辉
  • 职    务:蓝色光标公共关系机构总裁
  • 擅长领域:金融
  • 服务机构:
蓝色光标传播集团总裁 1999年加盟蓝色光标。 2006年7月起任高级副总裁,负责蓝色光标第一事业部业务。 2008年10月起任命毛宇辉先生为蓝色光标公共关系机构总裁,全面负责蓝色光标品牌的整体运营和管理,包括北京、上海、广州公司和全国21个分区办事处的日常工作。 2012年,毛宇辉先生蓝色光标传播集团总裁担任一职。 毛宇辉拥有超过10年的公共关系从业经验,在品牌顾问、新闻传播、危机公关等领域具有丰富经验。曾经服务于联想、佳能、AMD、腾讯、中国联通、思科、GSK、辉瑞等客户。 Peter Mao President of BlueFocus PR Consulting Peter Mao has more than ten years of enriched experiences in PR industry. He joined in BlueFocus in 1999. In 2006, he becomes Senior Vice President who is responsible for the First Division of BlueFocus. In 2008, as President of BlueFocus, Peter Mao is in charge of the operation of whole BlueFocus PR Consulting, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou offices as well as 21 branch offices all over the country. In 2012, Peter Mao becomes the President of BlueFocus Communication Group. Peter Mao did a great job in serving leading brands such as BMW, Pfizer, Lenovo, Canon, AMD, Tencent, Cisco and GSK etc. in such comprehensive practices as Brand Publicity, Media Relationship and Crisis Management etc.