• 姓    名:倪勇军
  • 职    务:中伦律师事务所合伙人
  • 擅长领域:法律
  • 服务机构:
中伦律师事务所税法业务主管合伙人,拥有中国和美国执业律师资格。曾任美国伟凯律师事务所大中华地区税法主管合伙人,还曾在安永担任大中国区国际税务业务主管合伙人。执业18余年,拥有为财富500强、跨国公司和中国海外投资企业提供国际税务服务的经验。擅长将法律和税务结合,处理复杂的跨国投资和交易相关的税务问题。连续多年被多家国际机构评为中国最顶尖的国际税务律师。 Yongjun Peter Ni is the head of Zhong Lun Law Firm’s tax practice. Before joining Zhong Lun, he led White & Case’s Greater China tax practice. Prior to that, he led the International Tax Practice or Ernst & Young China. Peter has more than 18 years of experience providing international tax services to Fortune 500 companies, MNCs and Chinese enterprises. Trained as a lawyer, he is able to provide tax advice in the proper Chinese legal context. Peter has been ranked as a Leading Individual in China Tax by International Tax Review, Tax Directors Handbook, Chambers Asia, and APL 500.