• 姓    名:王重娟
  • 职    务:信永中和会计师事务所合伙人
  • 擅长领域:金融
  • 服务机构:
信永中和会计师事务所审计合伙人。主持多项公司上市审计业务、国有大型企业集团审计,及为满足萨班斯法案的内部控制流程制度诊断咨询项目,为大型集团海外上市打下良好基础。 擅长IPO审计、上市公司审计;公司重组方案设计与并购审计;税务筹划;提供系统的财务核算体系、监控体系、财务预决算、筹融资管理体系、投资体系等内控建议服务;国有大型集团绩效调查与评价、清产核资、外汇年检等会计与审计服务。 Jessica Wang has been working in audit industry for nearly 20 years and has been engaged in massive international business work since 2009. Based on proficient knowledge of China’s Accounting and Tax Standards, IFRS, HKGAAP and International Audit Standard, she accumulates extensive experience of serving IPO, Merger and Acquisition, internal control consulting, SOX audit, Due Diligence, etc. and plays a key role in effective communication in the international cases.